Our academic team attended TESOL 2022 - International Convention in Pittsburg


This past week, part of the academic team of Central Office (OC) attended the TESOL 2022 International Convention inPittsburg, USA. TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is an organization that provides a wide variety of opportunities of professional development for English language educators of all levels.

The academic team reaffirmed our Second Language Disciplinary Approach and learned that oral expression must be promoted as a fundamental tool to trigger written production. 




They also confirmed that teaching grammar through context help students perceive the structures of the language more effectively. 'Through context' meaning embedding and integrating grammar into other aspects of the curriculum, such as creative writing and analytical reading, rather than a standalone activity. Meaning first, then form, finally practice.

Promoting higher order thinking activities for students, elaborating portfolios as evidence of significant, meaningful learning, fostering collaborative and cooperative learning, and encouraging auto and co-evaluation in the classroom were some other interesting topics developed during the week.


The academic team also realized that Semper Altius School Network has many successful educational experiences that could be shared with others in events like this.


They invite our teachers and coordinators to actively participate in next Mextesol –Asociación Mexicana de maestros de Inglés, Mextesol, A.C. presenting thosenoteworthy experiences to other people and make an impact.