"From farm to table" a Kinder 2 project - Highlands International School San Salvador


Highlands International School San Salvador Kinder 2 students are learning farming in their current unit.

In this unit the students learn about farm animals, machinery, and agriculture and use vocabularies such as seeds, soil, rows, and farming.

We presented them with the question: How does the food get to your house? In this activity the students gathered soil in pots and planted tomato seeds.

Throughout the semester, they will water it and watch it grow. The students have a booklet in which they will write down the changes they see. When the tomatoes are ready, they will prepare a receipe that includes them. They practice active learning by being part of the process.

The purpose of this activity was to show the students how fruits and vegetables are grown. This way, students understand how the food gets from the farm to their table and are thankful for the work that goes into growing it.